Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Great Songun Commander Demonstrated Dignity of Korea

On April 9, Juche 82 or 1993, the Korean people elected the great Kim Jong Il Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People´s Republic of Korea. Upon the exciting news, the people across the country exclaimed with delight:
"It is a pride and greatest fortune of the nation to have General Kim Jong Il. Thanks to him, the future of Korea is bright and rosy."

It was an expression of absolute support and trust of the army and people for Kim Jong Il with prominent political and military ability.

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During the anti-Japanese war Kim Jong Il was born and grew up, hearing the gun report as lullaby. In his teens he fostered the wisdom and stratagem of brilliant commander at the operation table of the Supreme Command. And he guided the People´s Army from Juche 49 or 1960. In the late 20th century the world situation was complex, because some socialist countries collapsed.

The Korean people also faced grim trials. Unprecedentedly arduous days continued in Korea due to repeated natural disasters and the isolation and suffocation moves of the imperialists after the great national misfortune of demise of the great President Kim Il Sung, founder of socialist Korea, in Juche 83 or 1994. Concerning the then situation, foreign publications wrote that "the existence of north Korea itself is a miracle".

Kim Jong Il held higher the banner of Songun or military-first policy, saying Songun is the life, independence and dignity of Korea. He called on service persons of the People´s Army on the forefront ranging from the post in young pine woods to forefront units, secluded island posts, Chol Pass, Mt. Osong and Heights 351 and 1211, crossing rugged passes and ploughing raging waves.

Under the great banner of Songun Korea has become an invincible military power and the Korean People´s Army grown stronger as the formidable revolutionary army of Mt. Paektu, demonstrating their dignity and might. Korea has become a man-made earth satellite manufacturer and launcher, nuclear state and power of knowledge-based economy dynamically advancing towards the world. Indeed, the exploits performed by the great Kim Jong Il for the prosperity of socialist Korea were extraordinary.

Witnessing the reality of Korea, the world spoke highly of the strategy and courage of Kim Jong Il who brought a great victory without yielding to any threat and blackmail of the US imperialists.
"It is an unimaginable reality that the solemn prelude to the building of a prosperous nation sounded in Korea where the defence of the country in confrontation with the United States is regarded as a mysterious thing and maintenance of status quo without falling down as a miracle."

A great leap was brought about in Korea under the banner of Songun.    A lot of Juche iron, Juche fibre and Juche fertilizer were produced and a drive to surpass the cutting edge was brisk across the country. Large, medium and minor power stations have been built and many factories reconstructed in all parts of the country and hundreds of thousand hectares of land rezoned. Not only that. The Taedonggang Combined Fruit Farm and other fruit producers and unique houses have been newly built, face-lifting the country.

Jang Kyong Nyom, Director of a Department of the Ministry of Light Industry, has this to say:
"The bygone days are significant days reminding all our people of what a great Songun commander they had. As the great Kim Jong Il consolidated the military might of the country as firmly as today, the National Meeting of Light Industrial Workers could be held some time ago even in the touch-and-go sitation where a war may break out at any time due to the repeated ´resolutions on sanctions´ and nuclear war moves of the US imperialists and their followers, I think. At that time our hearts swelled with a pride and honour of victor. Greatness of a country and nation depends on what a great leader they have. Historical experience shows that a country led by wrong leader will be weak though it has a large territory and large population."

The immortal exploits of the great Kim Jong Il for the times and history, for the country and people will shine for all ages.

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